Thursday, 4 May 2017

Question 4: Who would be you audience for your media product?

Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Question 2: How does the Media Product represent a particular social group?

when I started this project, I was asked who my targeted demographic was and what my chosen genre would be; I said "I will focus on 15-22 year old. Primarily focus towards males" I also said "The Purchaser would be a daily music listener... cater to the reader who wants to be brought up-to-date on what the current trend are". so after doing this I looked up any examples of magazines which already do this.
The example I found of this would be Q. Q has a demographic that caters towards a primarily male audience, and in recent years they have been around the pop genre. so I looked through different front covers from Q and I found different covers that I liked the design of.
Image result for q front cover      Image result for q front cover     Image result for q front cover
As it can be seen the ones i liked best followed a design set.
All of these covers show male artists that are in and around the genre of Pop music, this showed what me what a successful pop based magazine would look like.
as you can see looking at these compared to mine you can see how they have inspired me in designing my own.

The examples showed me what type of look i should go with when choosing a model and what type of attitude and clothing they should have. I feel the i presented representation i presented was very appropriate when it came to photos. i also looked at other Q works to see what type of setting my photos should be. I came across this...
Image result for q front double page spreads
this was what inspired me when choosing my location and the pose I wanted my model to do during the photo shoot.
I was also heavily inspired when doing my photos by an artist by the name of KDrew and one of his album covers.
Image result for kdrew albums
in contrast with mine...
obviously as I have stated I aimed my target audience at 15-22 year olds this means that they would be technophilles. to represent this in my contents page where I reference at a Facebook, Twitter and Spotify page. 
i also reference at a Synth webpage in my double page spread.
overall i feel i created an accurate representation of my audience when working on my magazine.

Question 1: In What ways does your media product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Analysis of the Evolution of the Front Page

Analysis of the Evolution of the Contents Page

Analysis of the Evolution of the Double Page Spread

Friday, 31 March 2017

Final Drafts

Front Page

Contents Page

Double Page


Drafts with Photos

Front Page

Contents Page
with the understanding that my previous was unconventional I decided to change it.

Double Page

again all pages are not final

Additional Photos

Additional photo were taken of students Kerrigan Heffernan and Kieran Moss.


My model "Alex Clarke" agreed for me to take photos of him. These are the photos I have taken.






Not all photos will be used.